I'm not sure if NVIDIA's binary drivers support the GeForce Go FX5600
yet.  I heard that they didn't.  This chip is supported by the
the "nv" driver that comes with XFree86 4.3 though.  RH9 includes
XFree86 4.3.   It appears to me that 4.3 has some 1400x1050 modelines
built in too.  Sometimes the 4.3 "nv" driver has a hard time
picking the output to use when flat panels are in involved and
you may need to play with the Option "CrtcNumber", but you should
be able to get it to work.  CVS autodetects that much better.
You might consider just upgrading to the latest XFree86 CVS
development snapshot.


On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, indra sarkar wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Can anyone help me please?
> i've set up my new PCG-GRT786M as a dualboot system with redhat7.2. All
> is well apart from the Xfree86 server which refuses to start.
> i've installed the latest nvidia drivers (apparently successfully) and
> hacked up my xfree86config file to pieces but all to no avail (I hardly
> need add that I'm a bit new to all this)
> One of the problems is that the machine has a non-standard (for x
> anyway) display - a 16.1 TFT display panel (1400x1050) and nVidia
> GeForce Go FX5600 with 64MB. And Sony have refused to give me the info i
> need to try and write my own entries for the Xfree86config file saying
> that they don't support Linux.
> It did occur to me that I could try installing RH9 which comes with a
> newer version of X11 which might have a 'smarter' version of XConfig on
> it, but I don't really want to go thru all the traumas and
> newsgroup-overload of the last two weeks unless I'm sure.
> Any ideas v.gratefully accepted.
> Regards,
> Indra

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