I am having problems loading X-Server in my PC. Details are as follows:

PC : HCL EzeeBee

Processor : AMD Athlon XP +2200 (1.8 GHz)

Video Card : S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR (32.00 MB)

Monitor : HCM780 (HSync: 31.5;VertRefresh : 70)

I have loaded RedHat Linux 7.2 Kernel 2.7-10 alongwith Windows XP on another partition. I boot thru GRUB.

I was able to carry out the installation in Graphical mode and my video card was detected as 'unknown' by setup.

After restarting and booting into Linux the X-Server is not loaded and monitor screen flickers for 2-3 times. Though the runlevel remains 5 but still command line mode is running.

Please help me how to run Linux in Graphical mode.

Hoping for early reply.

Best regards.

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