On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 14:12:47 -0600
Jesse Nichols wrote:

> Im running an Intel P350, 256mb ram, 40gig hd. 
> New installation of RH linux FC3
> Installed XFree86 v4.3.0 using Xinstall.sh script
> After the install I ran XFree86 -xf86config /root/XF86Config.new to test
> the server and it comes back with the following errors:
> (EE) xf860OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/mouse
>             no such file or directory
> (EE) Mouse0: cannot open input device
> (EE) PreInit failed for input device "Mouse0"
> No core pointer
> Fatal server error:
> Failed to initialize core devices
> I tried to change the /root/XF86Config.new input device line to
> Section "InputDevice"
>       Identifier     "Mouse0"
>       Driver         "mouse"
>       Option       "Protocol" "PS/2"
>       Option       "Device"   "/dev/mouse"
>       Option "SampleRate" "80"
> But I get the same errors again.
> Whats happening and what do I need to do to get it to work correctly?
> Help please!
> Jesse Nichols
> Holmes Community College
> Computer Services
> Phone: 601.605.3356

X is complaining that it can't find the device /dev/mouse.  Does this exist?  
Usually this is a symbolic link to the *real* device, which in the case of a 
PS/2 mouse would normally be /dev/psaux (although, if it's a usb mouse it could 
be /dev/input/mice or /dev/input/mouse0).

Possible actions to take:
1) Check to see if the /dev/mouse device is actually there.  If not, and you 
*know* what the *real* device name is, then make the link yourself.
2) Change the X config file to use the *real* device name.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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