On Sun, 20 Feb 2005, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
On Sat, 19 Feb 2005, Fung, Casey K wrote:
Attached is the /var/log/XFree86.0.log for installation of 4.4.0. I
would appreciate if you can tell me what is the problem for this


(--) PCI:*(1:0:0) unknown vendor (0x1014) unknown chipset (0x0170) rev 2, Mem @
0xfafe0000/17, 0xf4000000/26, BIOS @ 0x80000000/18

According to the PCI data base at:
that is an old IBM FireGL.

(II) VESA(0): VESA BIOS not detected

  It doesn't appear to have a vesa bios, which means the vesa
driver isn't likely to work.

I don't know if any drivers exist for this card. Anyone? Anyone?

I thought FireGL was an ATI trademark. So it might be possible to provide support for this variant if ati_drv and radeon_drv were modified to recognise it.

It's a little late to do that for 4.5 though.


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