On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, Todd H wrote:

I have installed Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 to a hard
drive. I have two screens configured. When I boot off
of the hard drive, X windows starts on both of my
screens EVERY time (using startx). I now configure my
client to boot from the network. I "rsync" the hard
drive image over to my server and boot the same image
over the network and NFS mount my file systems. Once
at the login prompt I run startx and more than half
the time startx locks up my system - the screen goes
black and the server never starts. I cant even ssh
into the client - I am dead. If I configure xorg.conf
for one screen it starts every time when booting
across the network. This appears to be a resource
problem when booting Linux across the network and
trying to start 2 screens. Are there any known bugs
with XFree86 and two screens or XFree86 an NFS. My
graphics cards are an ATI Rage XL. My workstation is
an HP ML370.

I have spent weeks on this problem and I really need
some help.

"Known bugs with XFree86" are not responsible for this issue because you are not using XFree86. Contact X.Org instead.


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