Hi all.

I have run up against a problem that as yet I can't figure out.

I have XMail 1.9 on Linux for the LAN.  This is currently sitting behind our 
firewall, using a private addressing scheme (192.168 etc.).

We have a Web host outside, and also have mail servers out there which are 
currently in use.

I have set up aliases on the servers outside so incoming mail is directed to 
our internal machine.

The firewall is the first machine to see incoming smtp connections, & I've 
set it up to do a NAT so packets for the mail server are passed on.

I also set up a domain name at dyndns.org so that the firewall has a domain 
name.  I did this partly because I wanted to use that domain name in aliases 
that forward mail to the internal server, and also because I assume that smtp 
servers that do a reverse DNS lookup will need it.

Incoming mail is ok.

However outgoing mail is a problem.  I haven't yet been able to get outgoing 
mail happening elegantly. I've tried basically two things:

1 - Passing outgoing mail through our server at the Web host
* Set the helo domain in server.tab to our original domain (auston.com).
* Set DefaultSMTPGateways in server.tab to that of our outside server

This works ok if the outside server has a mailbox that corresponds with the 
user id.  However staff numbers are already greater than the number of 
permitted mailboxes, & anyway, having 2 sets of mailboxes is a royal pain.  
Our Web host says their policy is that there must be an account in order to 
relay mail, and they can't set up smtp authentication so our smtp can 
authenticate with theirs.

2 - Having outgoing mail go directly to the destination smtp server
* Set the helo domain as the domain I've set up at dyndns.org
 (auston.dnsalias.com), actually it's a domain for a static IP.
* Disable DefaultSMTPGateways in server.tab.

I assume with the above config that XMail will attempt to send to the 
destination smtp server.

The result seems to be inconsistent.  In my initial tests a week ago the mail 
managed to get through to my outside account at Yahoo, however it took 
approximately 20 minutes to get there. And as the sender I received a message 
to say that the first attempt to send the message had failed and that XMail 
would continue trying.

Today I have tried the same configuration & mail seems to go out & then 
disappear.  The only setting that is different is NotifyTryPattern, which I 
changed from 1,6,11 to 5,10.

Can anyone tell me if having the mail server behind the firewall & using 
dyndns.org should work or not?  And if so have I got some part of the config 

Any help appreciated.

Adrian Hicks

server.tab is below:


# Example configuration file.
# Note : remember to use _REAL_ TABs and " to format this file
"RootDomain"    "sing.auston.com"
"POP3Domain"    "sing.auston.com"
"HeloDomain"    "auston.dnsalias.com"
"PostMaster"    "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
"ErrorsAdmin"   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
#"TempErrorsAdmin"      "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
#"DefaultSMTPGateways"  "smtp8.cybersite.com.sg"
"RemoveSpoolErrors"     "1"
"NotifyMsgLinesExtra"   "8"
"NotifySendLogToSender" "0"
"NotifyTryPattern"      "5,10"
"MaxMTAOps"     "16"
"ReceivedHdrType"       "1"
"FetchHdrTags"  "+X-Rcpt-To,+X-Deliver-To,+Received,To,Cc"
"MaxMessageSize"        "10000"
"EnableAuthSMTP-POP3"   "1"
"Pop3SyncErrorAccount"  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
#"AllowNullSender"      "1"
#"AllowSmtpVRFY"        "1"
#"AllowSmtpETRN"        "1"
#"SmtpMinDiskSpace"     "100000"
#"SmtpMinVirtMemSpace"  "64000"
#"Pop3MinVirtMemSpace"  "64000"


#"SMTP-RDNSCheck"       "1"
"CheckMailerDomain"     "0"
"SmartDNSHost"  ""



#"SmtpConfig"   "mail-auth"
#"SmtpConfig-"       "mail-auth"
"DefaultSmtpPerms"      "MRVZ"


Adrian Hicks
MIS Project Manager
Auston International Pte Ltd
45 Middle Rd #01-00 Auston Unicentre
Singapore 188954
Tel: 6339 4800 ext. 229
Fax: 6339 7600
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