Davide Libenzi wrote:

>On 1 Nov 2002, Aaron Johnson wrote:
>>The PHP admin tool has a nice feature where it allows for login as
>>postmaster per domain and then (I believe) does an auto limit by adding
>>the domain name to all the queries.  I have a client setup using this
>>method and they are pleased with it.
>>Allowing for a server assignment of domain access may make a good
>>addition for people wishing to allow for direct ctrl login. I agree with
>>Davide that doing this would likely add a layer of complexity to the
>>server that can be more gracefully handled via admin/client
>>applications, BUT it is still a feature that I have wanted from time to
>>time as well :)
>Lean and mean server, this is my goal :)
I've noticed that and I'm all for not making it bloatware, but there's 
always the features vs. size/speed issue.. I think that if something is 
wanted by the users it should be added if the performance hit isn't too 
great (And it seems to me this addition isn't such a performance hit, am 
I wrong?). Naturally, I'm not saying everyone wants this, /I/ want it.. 
:) But perhaps you should create a poll or something.. See if I'm the 
only nut or people actually want it.. :)

Anyway, I'm thinking of perhaps creating some app that will create a 
layer using the CTRL protocol.. You'll set your XMail only to accept 
connections from the machine running the filter app, and in the filter 
you'll set a user-domain mapping (No auth there, all auth will be 
handled by XMail).. And it'll filter the commands sent and the responses...

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