OK - thanks!

> 220 is simply not an allowed response, according to the RFC. 
> Here is the 
> relevant section of allowed responses:
>          Each command is listed with its possible replies.  
> The prefixes
>          used before the possible replies are "P" for preliminary (not
>          used in SMTP), "I" for intermediate, "S" for success, "F" for
>          failure, and "E" for error.  The 421 reply (service not
>          available, closing transmission channel) may be given to any
>          command if the SMTP-receiver knows it must shut down.  This
>          listing forms the basis for the State Diagrams in 
> Section 4.4.
>                S: 220
>                F: 421
>             HELO
>                S: 250
>                E: 500, 501, 504, 421
>             MAIL
>                S: 250
>                F: 552, 451, 452
>                E: 500, 501, 421
> Also, the above sequence is completely broken, since the only 
> way for SMTP 
> to return multi-lines, is to have the '-' character after that status 
> code.
> - Davide

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