Use the -SI command line option.


-SI ip[:port]
    Bind server to the specified ip address and (optional) port (can be 


Kay Seljeseth wrote:
> We have been running XP and Xmail Server without any problems for a long
> time, but would now also like to run a spam filter (SpamFighter) on the same
> machine. Hence, we would like to use two IP addresses where the SpamFighter
> gets incoming mail first on one public SMTP IP address, checking the email
> and then forwarding it to the Xmail Server IP address, acting as a SMTP
> tunnel/Proxy.
> Does anyone know how we may configure XMail server to listen on a single
> specific IP address? We cannot use another port number as some domains
> should bypass the Spam filter.
> Thanks!
> Kay
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