At 04.12 06/01/11, you wrote:

> Alternatively, XMail should take care of escaping leading dots when doing SMTP
> delivery of files picked up by LMAIL.

You are right. Either SendMail.cpp should do it, or XMail.

Davide wait a moment ... I quickly looked at the source and sent a couple of test messages, and it looks like XMail:

- does not unescape leading dots when receiving from SMTP client
- does not escape leading dots when sending to POP3 client
- stores messages in mailbox with leading dots escaped

If so, the only thing to change is to have the LMAIL server escape leading dots when processing spool/local files.

(Note to myself: applications that access messages directly from the file system should take care of unescaping, just like a POP3 client does).

Ciao, Francesco

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