Sorry for delay..i had a little accident..
I inherited an windows 2003 server with IIS and xmail. I must deal with it.
I just want make it accesible by web interface for users. 
Roundcube is not an option because I didn't find packages for windows.
Neither installing another Linux machine here...
I will try with xmail- WAI....
Thanks for all.
Best regards,
Catalin Gales


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În numele CTdlI -- Jesús Berlínchez
Trimis: 9 iunie 2011 19:11
Către: 'XMail Users Mailing List'
Subiect: Re: [xmail] Web interface

I do not understand exactly what you need. I'm using phpxmail to administer
XMailserver options (used to manage almost all server options), and as
webmail client value, using Roundcube solution accessing user mailboxes
through the IMAP protocol, both are solutions developed in PHP, for this
reason, no matter from which you access platform provided you have a browser
in a sufficiently updated version.

Tell me why Windows 2003/IIS? Is it what you want is to be installed on a
Windows platform?.

Please get more information about your need to help more accurately.





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