
I've the problem that some servers out of any reason cant/does not
send there mails to my xmail-accounts. these mails are rejected either
by my xmail-server or the opposite uploading mailserver. I can's see
anything in logfiles what says about why that problem is as it is.

my domain is not blacklisted as far as I know.

some people told me that they get any kind error-message when
sending mail to me, on other people everything's ok.

since i installed a graphical log-analyse-app I see that there
are many bounces from time to time, even when myself does not access the
pop3 or smtp.

for example : on one of my own accounts i communicate with contacts
problemless, but when I try to use that account for example for
ebay-messages, ebay's account-verification mail does not receive to
my mailbox. I believe, something is mal-configured.

also in /var/Mailroot are massive spool-messages left inside the
directory-tree, even if all mails are downloaded from all mailbox-
accounts and was ordered to remove mails from server's account.
where comes this from ?

could anyone help me to fix this ? I've not so much experience with
mail-servers like you.

kind regards,
ralf moeller

xmail mailing list

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