On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Pete French wrote:

> Relative to 7.1 - how are the unofficial patches ? And what is
> the situation with folding in patches to the unofficial ersions back nto
> the official ones ?
> Hans, any objections to me making patches relative to these unofficial
> versions instead of 7.1 ?
No problem with me, there aren't that many differences between the 2

I know xmame is really starting to get in an unmainted status.

Here's my plan:
-this week I'm hopefully finishing a big project for my main job.
-next week my attention shifts to my other job as teacher, since I will
 be teaching more or less full time for a period of 8 weeks.
-since I'm a teacher during christmas, I get 2 weeks christmas
 hollidays, giving me a nice chance to recover.
-As you might have guessed I'm currently working 8 hours a day behind a
 keyboard, and that  is as much as my RSI can handle, I'm also doing  
 some light version of physio therapy, and I'm happy to say that I'm
 slowly recovering.
-Since during the christmas break and during teaching I don't have any
 other computer work todo, I hope to be able todo an official xmame
 release around that time.
-If I won't be able todo an offical xmame release somewhere in january,
 I'll start looking for someone to take over my place as official



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