Hi Chris,

On Wednesday 06 December 2006 06:49, Christopher Stone wrote:
> I wanted to package this for Fedora, but I am unable to because I do
> not know how to set up a configuration to work where it is installed
> in /usr/bin
> It seems the only way to run this app is from the directory you
> compiled under.  Is this correct? This seems like a serious limitation if
> this is the case.  
Yes and no... there is no installation target ("make install") yet, but I'm 
addressing this for the next release, btw. QMC2 does not have to 
be "installed", which means no limitation IMHO.

BUT you can still install/copy the binary and the data directory somewhere 
else. You need to make sure that QMC2 knows about the new data directory (the 
default is "data/", which is relative to the source tree, that's right). This 
is stored in the configuration file:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] qmc2]$ cat ~/.config/qmc2.ini

These are just the relevant entries (from my own installation).

QMC2 always STORES the configuration file as ~/.config/qmc2.ini, but if a 
system-wide configuration exists, it will this first! Qt 4's configuration 
directory with "system-scope" is /etc/xdg, so when you create a minimal 
qmc2.ini and include it in the package as /etc/xdg/qmc2.ini, this will work 
fine (I tested this just a minute ago :)!!

> How do I make this work so I can install it in /usr/bin and have it read a
> config file located in /etc which points to default install paths which I
> can set up such as /usr/share/mame/roms etc?
See above. I hope this helps!

Please mail me directly if you need more help setting this up...

> P.S.  The search function doesn't seem to be working either.
Really?! It works fine for me... just enter a wildcard pattern such as "*arm*" 
or "poo?an", press enter or click on the search-tab and the search result 
will be shown. Doesn't this work for you?

Have fun, René
René Reucher
Tel: +49 160 7115802
FAX: +49 6359 205423

In most instances, all an argument proves is that two people are present.

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