On 2009.04.17 11:22:37 +0930, Charles Pillar wrote:
> I can get around this by setting the option "Ignore" "true" on the LVDS 
> Monitor
> section. Now the machine startes with both LCDs as it should. However now that
> I have ignored the LVDS output, I can't enable it with XRandR when I take my
> laptop from the Docking Station without changing the "Ignore" directive and
> restarting X.

I tried to fix this by implement LVDS detection method based on lid status,
so when lid is closed you get a free pipe to output as LVDS is disabled, and
open lid with randr you can turn on it again. But unfortunely the method we
tried (acpi lid object, VBios software flag) doesn't work reliable on all 
machines, due to broken acpi bios or unknown reason. So I think we need some
trade-off here to only enable the detection on more trusted new chipsets.

Open Source Technology Center, Intel ltd.

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