On 2009.05.09 08:34:51 +0200, Pascal A. Niklaus wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am experiencing a problem that I can't resolve. Running Xorg 1.6.0 
> with the intel driver (in Kubuntu 9.04), I do get a repeated blanking of 
> the screen at a 1600x1200 resolution. This blanking does not occur with 
> the fb driver, and it does not occur at lower resolutions. It also is 
> not regular. Sometimes the screen is fine for a minute, and then it 
> starts to blank out 10 times in a row at intervals of a few seconds.
> I have posted my Xorg log file at

You may try 2.7 release. Ma ling's new work on G45 PLL calculation has
fixed the clock issue on that chip with output like HDMI. 

Open Source Technology Center, Intel ltd.

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