On 08/20/11 12:45, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> On 08/20/11 11:50, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
>> And sticky xkboptions could be useful for other options too, given
>> that a way to reset them explicitely also exist.
> Yes, an "XkbOptionsAdd" or similar to append instead of clear/set would
> be very nice.   It would need to handle autoadding the , separator between
> entries, but that shouldn't be hard.

Actually I guess it would be OptionAppend "XkbOptions" instead of
Option "XkbOptionsAdd", since the option parser would need to know
to do the append instead of just replacing the existing value for
that option.

        -Alan Coopersmith-        alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System

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