Egbert Eich wrote:
> Well, I'm happy that I made at least some people happy!


For the folks who have noticed that I used the domain branch: Thanks for
notifying me. However, it does not make any difference. I now used the
sis driver of MAIN branch for testing. The only patch I did was Stuart
Young's VesaFBHack. 

Please note: Otherwise this is a pure 4.1 system! (Debian's 4.1.0-9,
XFree86 not suid). I am not using VESA fb for console mode.

Newest results:

1) Console switching

This does not lock up the entire machine, just X. I can log in remotely
and reboot the box (which seems to be quite busy, telnet(ssh) reacts
very slowly)

It happens only when switching back to X, it never happened when
switching to a VT.

It is more likely to happen after one has typed something on the console
(I used vi for testing), although this is not entirely verified.

Unfortunately, the problem is not systematically reproducible, although
it happens averagly every third or fourth time when switching back to X
from a VT. (This is where strace comes in, isn't it?)

2) APM

Cannot test this at the moment, because I have general trouble with APM.
Even with Stuart's patched driver the box does not resume when logged in
as a user (???) (although APM worked before) so I have to fix that
first. I assume I destoyed one or another file with my permanent
reboots. (Anyone got an idea?)


Thomas Winischhofer
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