So, I've been using a dualhead setup with the Radeon 7500 for a couple
weeks know and am really happy with the results.

I am curious about a few things however:

1) The XFree86 Radeon 7500 driver treats the monitor connected to the DVI
port as the primary head.  To me, this makes perfect sense (if you're
going to buy a digital flat panel, you're probably going to want to use it
as the primary head).  However, this seems to be the reverse of the
windows drivers for the card, which treats the CRT port as the primary
head.  Does anyone know of a way to switch this in XFree86 (or even
Windows)?  I was hoping it'd be a single config change in m XF86Config-4
file, but according to the source for the driver, it looks like it was
hardwired in.  How hard would it be to "unhardwire" it?

2) Is anyone working on getting DRI support working in a dualhead setup
(with or without xinerama)?  What needs to be done to get it working
(starting without xinerama, of course, since that should be simpler)?

Adam Kirchhoff

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