On Tue, 14 May 2002, Owen Taylor wrote:

>> Be patient.
>> We're all busy with other things, and there are plenty of patches still
>> waiting in the queue. Please don't resend anything.
>Can I suggest, as a long term goal, having a publically viewable bug
>tracker / patch queue?
>At least from my point of view, the current system isn't working very
>If I find a bug in XFree86 (say,
>http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81783, which turned up 5
>minutes ago :-), it's frequently not clear how to proceed.
>Yes, I can send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]; b
>bug report. But in either case it feel like a complete shot in the
> - I can't check on the status of my bug-report/patch.
> - I can't give someone else an URL to go to check on the the status.
> - I can't meaningfully give updates ... sending mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>   saying "you know the patch I sent 2 months ago. Forget it, it turns
>   out to have been faulty hardware" at least seems like it won't
>   work very well.
> - There isn't any reliable way of telling if/when my bug has been applied.
> - If the person dealing with the bug report / patch wants to get
>   further information, they have communicate with me privately,
>   and 
>I understand very well that something like bugzilla is considerable
>amount of sysadmin work to set up and maintain that would take away 
>from someone's hacking. And there simply may not be the resources
>But for GTK+ and GNOME, we find it an extremely valuable tool to have this
>stuff public ... not a panacea ... I still get plenty of people
>annoyed at me for slow response to GTK+ patches, but at least they see
>a milestone for the bug, and know it hasn't been lost.

I agree completely.  We (Red Hat) receive a lot of bug reports 
against XFree86, many of which we just do not have the manpower 
to fix/look into, other distributions no doubt have the same 
problem.  I think a lot of these problems end up falling between 
the cracks.

What makes things a bit worse, is that a bug reported to a distro
vendor that ends up getting fixed by that vendor, generally gets
fixed in that one distribution at that point in time, and doesn't
necessarily propagate to other vendors, or back to XFree86.org in
a timely manner, or at all.  Without pointing any fingers at
anyone, some vendors are great with submitting patches back to
XFree86 while others don't bother it seems IMHO.  This puts more
work on each distro vendor, to harvest patches from the other
vendors packages also.

When submitting a patch upstream, you sometimes do get immediate 
feedback on a particular patch, and sometimes do not.  I never 
quite know if a patch I've submitted for example is applied, if 
the problem was fixed in a different way, or is still in 
someone's queue.

I fully realize that everyone receiving the patches have full
time jobs themselves, and don't have time to respond to the
number of patches right away or apply them, since this is often
the case for myself as well.

The problem is though, that bugfixing/patching seems to not scale 
well at all.  I've submitted 40-45 patches about a week ago or 
so, and I've had some feedback from a few core team members about 
a few of the patches, which was greatly appreciated.  Many of the 
other patches I presume are in a main queue, or have been taken 
and put in personal patch queues of a given developer to look at 
in the future when they're working on that area of code and/or 
have time, etc.  At least that is probably what I would do if I 
was receiving the patches this way.

When a patch does eventually get applied though, one has to hope 
to catch it in a changelog message.  I read changelogs and am on 
the CVS commits mailing list, however I'm sure many others are 
not, and would just appreciate knowing in a simple manner that 
their patch was applied or not, and if rejected, perhaps a 

In the past I've experimented with submitting patches a bit, and
I've found that submitting patches in an ongoing fashion as they
are made, tends to not get them applied sooner unless it is a
rather important issue with a straightforward fix.  For our 7.3
development cycle I decided to submit the whole storm of patches 
all at once to save myself some work as I figured the bulk of the 
patches I was submitting, most likely would only be applied to 
the head of CVS, and probably only just before 4.3.0 was 
released.  Submitting them in one shot was much less work than 
submitting them one at a time, possibly having to bugfix the 
patch and resubmit a few times, etc. when there was good chances 
they'd queue up until 4.3.0 was near.

On the #xfree86 channel on irc.openprojects.net, I often point
people to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] bug report list, or the current
XFree86 web based bug submitter CGI.

People who have sent a few reports there in the past have come
back to me saying "Why should I bother reporting there?  I never
get a response back anyway."  I generally tell them that
XFree86.org doesn't have the resources to respond to every bug
report right away, or at all in many cases, and that they should
watch the Changelog for their bug to get fixed, as this allows
developers to spend more time fixing bugs, and doing work on X
than emailing people.  Generally though, people tend to not care
about that, they just expect to get an acknowledgment, and they
seem discouraged when they don't get it.  I get this sometimes
even _with_ bugzilla.  So I understand the difficulty involved
with responding to every single bug report.

The problem with our bugzilla though, is that we do not have
expertise in all of the areas bugs are reported.  Also, we do not
support every tiny piece of XFree86 100%, so many issues reported
are considered by us to be low priority and/or WONTFIX.  In these
cases, I recommend to people to report the bug upstream to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and/or [EMAIL PROTECTED] in hopes the 
maintainer will fix it, or at least that more people who could 
potentially fix the bug are looking at it.

Since I am also on the receiving end of XFree86 bug reports (via
our bugzilla, with emails sent to me upon new bug report
submissions and updates), I know the volume of incoming reports
can be a bit staggering, and that many are bogus and/or user
misconfiguraton issues, or people just looking for free-ride tech

However, for both bug reports, and for patches/fixes, I strongly
feel that the administrative overhead that bugzilla would require
would be small compared to the service that it provides, the
patches it harvests into one common place, and to the two-way
communication mechanism it would establish between X users, the
XFree86 core team, and other XFree86 developers like myself.

Red Hat used to deal with bug reports via email a long time ago
as well.  The problem with it was that it was not scalable, it
did not allow a good two-way communication between bug reporter
and bug fixer(s), and it did not allow for bug tracking,
co-ordination, or allow for searching for already reported bugs,
and their solutions/workarounds.  Also, the details of a user's
given bug report could easily be lost in email, or forgotten
entirely.  Developers can't keep track easily of what issues are
being worked on by other developers.

Bugzilla IMHO would allow more people who are not on the core
team to be aware of more of the bugs that are being reported, and
would result in more people fixing more bugs.  People often come
to me and express an interest in working on X, but don't know
where to start or what to work on.  I refer them to our bugzilla,
as there isn't a way they can find out about bugs at XFree86.org
currently.  Some tell me "I don't use Red Hat", somehow thinking
that all XFree86 bugs in our bugzilla are specific to Red Hat
Linux, others not wanting to "contribute code that does Red Hat's
job for them" like somehow fixing every bug reported is "our 
job".  I would much rather be able to point people at a central 
bugzilla tracker on XFree86.org, and to be able to consolidate 
non-distribution specific bug reports in one place, which will 
remove some level of duplication among all distributions, and 
including the core team itself.

This topic has come up before on private XFree86 mailing lists,
and I've also discussed it a bit with Keith Packard (whom I've
added to the CC) and Jim Gettys.  Keith set up bugzilla a while
back to investigate it, and I've poked around a bit locally with
it as well.  I dunno how far he's gotten with it, but I havn't
had much time to dig into it, and I presume he hasn't either.  

Almost all major projects out there (Mozilla, GNOME, KDE, etc.)
have a web based bug tracker, and most of the larger projects use
bugzilla for the large number of features that it has that cater
to large projects like XFree86.  I think XFree86 really needs a 
bugzilla bug tracker in order to harvest the wealth of developers 
that are out there that currently see X as a black art, or a 
mysterious voodoo tarball.

Lets make XFree86 development, and bug fixing more scalable, and
pool the community of developers and users together. Lets work
together to put up a bugzilla bug tracker on XFree86.org and use 
it as the primary tracker of bug reports.  I think that would 
benefit everyone, and most importantly the end user.


Mike A. Harris                  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer             190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer              Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
http://www.redhat.com           ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

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