On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 08:38:35AM -0500, Kevin Brosius wrote:
> Excellent.  So as far as you can tell the Trio 64 3D works in 4.2.0?  I
> haven't had any reports about it for a while, so it's good to hear it's
> okay.
Well, mode changing goes paired with ~10 seconds of the screen
switching quickling between the original content of the screen (in the
old resolution) and black. And it doesn't do Xvideo, though the
documentation isn't entirely clear on wether it's supposed to.

But for the simple, no fancy stuff work it works perfectly for as far
as I've seen.

PS: If you need someone to test new drivers on the Trio64 or such
things feel free to mail.

Frank v Waveren                                      Fingerprint: 21A7 C7F3
fvw@[var.cx|stack.nl|dse.nl|chello.nl] ICQ#10074100     1FF3 47FF 545C CB53
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