Havoc Pennington wrote:


Here is a proof-of-concept rough cut at an extension to track "damage
regions" for the screen (notify clients about pixels that have

Been thinking about this for a while in order to support desktop
pagers with thumbnailing, but was finally inspired to write code by
the "krfb" client-side VNC implementation http://www.tjansen.de/krfb/,
a very useful application that right now has to poll pixels in a
timeout. (http://xf4vnc.sourceforge.net/ is another possible approach
for that specific app.)

Interestingly enough, I was toying with a very similar idea, but for the purpose of implementing true window transparency and window deformations (a-la MacOS X ghosting) on the client side (i.e. via a special client, rather than by putting everything inside the X server). In addition to your extension, only one thing woud be required - ability for a client to flag certain windows as off-screen. Then off-screen windows would not be displayed, but the interesting client (which would be compositing manager, analogous to window manager) would track the changes.

Then a compositing manager could just track window alpha pixmaps (referenced via atoms, probably) and, whenever a transparent window gets uncovered, it would move it off-screen along with all the windows it covers, put its own window in its place and pipe the contents by compositing or even deforming it from the off-screen pixmaps (using either OpenGL or XRender).

Now if I get the time to write a proof-of-concept...


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