Title: RE: [Xpert]Do you know where XScript is now?

I used some of the multiple ftp search engines on the web.
I went to http://www.alltheweb.com and select the last tab in the title bar...
(Ask yahoo for some more URLs of ftp search eangines.)

There i got 4 hits for xscript.tar.gz, all dated from Februar 1994.
The ftp trees are labeled as X11R5 (we are at X11R6 for a really long time)
or you will find the files in pub7/NetBSD.
No wonder, that no one knows about specific locations of XScript
and the original location does no longer work at all.

I opened them via clicking and found the download working for
  ftp.rge.com (X11 tree)
  ftp.sunset.se (X11 tree)
  ftp.man.szczecin.pl (NetBSD tree)
All opened archives are same size and had no problems.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marco Fioretti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 05:53
> Subject: [Xpert]Do you know where XScript is now?
> Hello,
> I am trying to download the XScript utilities mentioned at this URL:
> <http://jan.netcomp.monash.edu.au/SW.html#XScript>
> I connect to  the FTP server mentioned in that paragraph, and just
> nothing happens. My connection is OK, and I can download stuff from
> other sites, but on that URL *nothing* (not even errors) happen.
> Going there by hand shows that the directory is not there anymore.
> Do you know if that source code is still available somewhere else?
> I've spent all this afternoon querying google in the strangest ways to
> no avail... For the record, I also wrote to the author, without
> success.
>       TIA,
>               Marco Fioretti

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