On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 11:55:00AM +1100, Brad Hards wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:43, Alexander Stohr wrote:
> > > This patch (attached) add support under Linux for talking to mice
> > > directly from the event interface, IE, /dev/input/event<n>.
> > >
> > > It is stashed as a os specific protocol, evdev, the Device
> > > option is not
> > > a device, but instead is the device name, such as
> > > 'A4Tech USB Optical Mouse'.
> > >
> > > It has some limits, specificly if you unplug a USB mouse and plug it
> > > back in you have to cause it to be deactivated and reactivated, a good
> > > way of doing that is to change VTs away from X, and then change back.
> > >
> > > Also if you have two identical mice with the same label it is somewhat
> > > indeterminate which you will get, this could be improved.
> >
> > If i do remember right i have seen an USB mice that provides
> > a serial number trough its device information which uniqely identifies it.
> > Sorry if i am wrong for this - its just what i thought i have seen there.
> Serial numbers are optional for USB devices (and most mice don't have such a 
> thing). Also, some devices have them, but they are not unique (this is 
> against spec). The name that comes back from EVIOCGNAME may not have 
> meaningful text either, since some mice don't have any strings. You may get a 
> null string, depending on the mouse type (won't happen on USB - you'll get 
> the vendor and product IDs instead).
> There is really only one unique identifier that is reliably useful: the 
> physical path, as returned by EVIOCGPHYS. For example, there will always be 
> one device like this: usb-00:01.2-2.1/input0

Hmm, obviously this makes my current identification method rather

What about using the bus, vendor, product, and version tags? (Returned

The main catch is that I don't have a clue what those would be set to
for ADB or PS2 mice for 2.5.x.
> However if you plug it into another port (or you plug another input device 
> into that port), you are basically screwed. It'd still be a nice option to 
> offer for configuration though.
> We still need proper hotplugging though.

We /can't/ support proper hotplugging under linux because to my
knowledge no interface exists that can tell us that a new device has
been plugged in.

This really sucks, but it is beyond the scope of this patch to try and
make that happen, though it is clearly something that must happen.

(I have some thoughts on what might work, but they seem USB specific.)

Zephaniah E. Hull.

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So, you are thinking am Communist ? Deal, Comerade !
  -- Chris on ASR.

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