Scott Long wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:09:37 +0100
>   David Balazic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I've been toying with this idea to use the video overlay feature
> >as an efficient anti alias method. Is this doable ?
> >
> >Here is how it would work :
> >
> >set the display to some resolution ( higher is better )
> >render your picture  ( at a lower , same or higher resolution than
> >the
> >display )
> >use the overlay to scale the picture to the physical screen
> >
> >cards with good scaling ( filtering etc. ) would make a nice
> >smoothed picture , right ?
> The only option you mention that could possibly work would be to
> render the image at a *higher* resolution than the display resolution,
> then scale the image down using coverage-weighted averaging. This is
> known as "supersampling" and is how many AA algorithms work.

So is this doable or not ?
> Your other options would make the image "smoother," but only because
> they would blur the image.

More smooth == less alias , or am I missing something ?

> You can't resize an image to a larger size
> and get more detail out of nothing.

And we don't want more detail, just less alias.

> The only effect a filter would
> have would be to smear the image.
> >Examples of use :
> >
> >  - text anti-alias :
> >   render the text at lower resolution, then scale it up
> >   to some higher resolution, and get AA filtering for "free"
> >
> >  - 3D FSAA : render at higher resolution, scale down to get FSAA
> >    ( using the same resolution ( 1:1 scaling ) might give something
> >     useful too ? )
> >
> >Opinions ?
> Unfortunately, that won't work at all. What you want to do is render
> the text at a *higher* resolution and then scale the result *down* to
> the display resolution using coverage-weighted averaging. You can't
> get anything for free! If you tried what you suggest, what you'd end
> up with would be a blocky character that shows stairstepping, except
> the stairsteps would be blurry. Not only ugly, but a headache-inducer
> :-)

I think proper filtering would remove the stairs ( the low res ones, the
high res ones ( the final image ) depend on the way the RAM-DAC operates

> There are many (and *much* better) techniques for antialiasing fonts
> in particular that don't resort to this brute-force supersampling
> method.
> Scott Long
> SwiftView, Inc.
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