Michel Dänzer wrote:
> I suspect that may exactly be the problem. It may interfere with other
> MMIO register access, overflowing the chip's FIFO or similar.

What process is calling the mouse routines? Is it possible that 2D
processing (ie setting up a 2D action) is interrupted by mouse activity?
(2D and 3D are the only other things that use the MMIO registers)

Even though, I find this unlikely. The SiS chips have a separate queue
for 2D/3D which has some sort of extension in video RAM. This queue is
never used beyond 1/4 of its size.

Speaking of this: Mukhben, try setting the video RAM to 64MB and try
then. Perhaps something is writing beyond the usable video memory and
thereby overwriting the turbo queue area. This might without doubt cause
a complete machine freeze.


Thomas Winischhofer
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