On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Keith Packard wrote:

> Around 3 o'clock on Dec 1, James Hawtin wrote:
> > The only problem with the fixes extension will people use it, as they
> > will have to write the code twice so it supports "legancy" ie not Xfree86
> > systems. (thinking of selection tracking here)
> That's been the argument against such extensions over the last 15 years,
> and it's certainly valid as far as it goes, but I think we can now look
> toward more rapid adoption of extensions in the general population,
> certainly rapidly enough to provide incentive for application developers
> to support the new mechanisms in addition to the old.

But that should not be a reason not to try it, Look how long uuencode
lasted on usenet, along came yenc (which many people didn't like) and
within 2 months 75% of the traffic changed! Various venders have tried
extisions some stick and some don't (News (fail) GL(success) ,
DPS(limited success)). I think however, that Xfree86 is the perfect place
to try introduce those changes, its user base is not affraid to try
something new and is quite large, and its code is freely available.
Better to do it now than to look back in another 15 years and go, hay I
which this core problems would be fixed ;-)


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