First, the "SyncOnGreen" option doesn't work...

Running XFree 4.2.0, on SuSE 8.1, kernel 2.4.19, and the Matrox Frame
Buffer driver on a dual P3 with an MGA G200 AGP video card and a fixed
sync, sync on green, monitor.

The frame buffer driver works flawlessly!  The boot line I use is:


Which is derived from the XF86Config settings:

        Section "Monitor"
          HorizSync    78.125
          Identifier   "Monitor[0]"
          ModelName    "A1097A"
          VendorName   "Hewlett-Packard"
          VertRefresh  72.008
          UseModes     "Modes[0]"
        Section "Modes"
          Identifier   "Modes[0]"
          Modeline      "1280x1024" 135.00 1280 1344 1536 1728 1024 1027 1030 1085
The video card settings are:

        Section "Device"
          BoardName    "MGA G200 AGP"
          BusID        "1:0:0"
          Driver       "mga"
          Identifier   "Device[0]"
          Option       "DRI"
          Option       "HWcursor"
          Option       "MergedFB"
        #  Option       "SyncOnGreen"
          Option        "SyncOnGreen" "on"
          Screen       0
          VendorName   "Matrox"
          Videoram     8192

At boot, the above "append" line works great (had to get rid of SuSE's
splash screen and the vesa driver from their kernel configuration)...
right after the lilo boot, the monitor syncs and the boot messages are

When X launches, sync is lost.  I make a "Poor Mans OR" with BNC "T"
connectors and join the horizontal and vertical syncs with the "green",
and sync is restored (note: I know there is a proper, simple, circuit
for doing this, but I've never been able to make it correctly, and this
BNC "T" technique has worked with a wide variety of combined sync and
sync-on-green monitors before, with picture degradation, and it's
probably shortened the life of the monitors).

I've searched all over and never seen the the proper way to express the
"boolean" argument for SyncOnGreen... "on" is my best guess.  Hopefully,
it's just my syntax.

Any ideas?

Next problem, same configuration (with the same problems whether or not
I'm using the Matrox or VESA framebuffer driver or a regular multi-sync
or my fixed sync monitor), DRI doesn't work... the salient parts of the
XF86Config are:

        Section "Module"
          Load         "type1"
          Load         "freetype"
          Load         "dri"
          Load         "extmod"
          Load         "glx"
          Load         "dbe"
          Load         "speedo"
          Load         "v4l"

        Section "DRI"
            Group      "video"
            Mode       0660
Tuxracer goes berzerk; the tuxracer window looks like it's stride is all
wrong (you can see the initial picture but it's expanded and missing
lines), and most of the screen is flickering (like it's fighting to
write to parts of the screen it doesn't own).  Here's Tuxracer's output:

        > tuxracer
        Tux Racer 0.61 -- a Sunspire Studios Production 
        (c) 1999-2000 Jasmin F. Patry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        "Tux Racer" is a trademark of Jasmin F. Patry
        Tux Racer comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
        and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
        See for details.
        mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
        mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
        %%% tuxracer warning: Warning: Couldn't set 22050 Hz 16-bit audio
          Reason: Unable to initialize ARTS
        Failed to upload texture, sz 11008
        Memory heap (nil):
          heap == 0
        End of memory blocks
        Failed to upload texture, sz 174592
        Memory heap (nil):
          heap == 0
        End of memory blocks

That last set of messages starts spewing at warp speed; I have to "killall -9" to stop 
SimCity3K just aborts on launch:

        > ./sc3u
        BUG! (Segmentation Fault)  Going down hard...
        Sim City 3000 Unlimited 2.0.955
        Built with glibc-2.1
        Stack dump:
                ./sc3u [0x8479fad]
                /lib/ [0x4003212b]
                /lib/ [0x4008ad68]
                ./sc3u(_dlerror_run+0xc9) [0x853f9d5]
                ./sc3u(__dlopen_check+0x25) [0x853f695]
                ./sc3u(Load__13cGZCOMLibrary+0x7ac) [0x8360de4]
                ./sc3u(UpdateClassRegistry__6cGZCOMR13cGZCOMLibrary+0x20) [0x8362838]
                ./sc3u(AddLibrary__6cGZCOMRC10cIGZString+0x1c1) [0x8361a25]
                ./sc3u [0x8161174]
                ./sc3u(AddDynamicLibrariesHere__7cSC3App+0x63e) [0x8161c86]
                ./sc3u(sInit__12cGZFrameWorkR10cRZCmdLineb+0x13a) [0x835c80a]
                ./sc3u(Main__12cGZFrameWorkR10cRZCmdLineb+0x26) [0x835ce62]
                ./sc3u(main+0x45) [0x8158521]
                /lib/ [0x400794a2]
                ./sc3u(shmat+0x55) [0x8149f41]

Any ideas?



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