On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 06:53:23PM -0500, Gregory Stark wrote:
> I'm getting a lot of 
>  Hit bound texture in upload
> in quake3. 
> Whenever I get a message like this I also see corrupted textures on the
> screen. From what I read in the source it appears this happens when mmAllocMem
> returns 0 which sounds like it means out of memory. But I think I have plenty
> of memory available. I know I have plenty of swap available.
> Is this a known problem? On google I see a few other mentions of people
> reporting this but nobody working on fixing it.

It sounds like this may be related to a known issue with some of the 3D
drivers in XFree86.  Under some circumstances they can over-commit texture
memory.  When that happens, you get the 'hit bound texture' message.  The
work-around is to use lower texture detail.  The actual FIX is in a
development branch of the DRI source tree.  The fix is part of a larger
development effort that won't find its way into XFree until 4.4.0.

Smile!  http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap990315.html
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