
I observe some weired issue. I'm building the bluefish documentation
[1]. When I try to run the 'make html' target, xsltproc fails with an
"I/O error : Is a directory" at the end of the build. I can track down
the issue to the doctype* attributes of xsl:output in
stylesheets/db2html.xsl. Set them (as it is in the stylesheet), then the
error occurs at the end of the run. Do not set them and the build works.

IMHO there seems to be a bug somewhere. Can you test yourself and check,
if you can verify the issue? If not, I can send you the verbose output
of xsltproc.

[1] http://bluefish.cvs.sourceforge.net/bluefish/bluefish-doc/

Regards, Daniel

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