Thank you for the feedback. I investigated the issue and you are right, the real reason was that Solaris replaces libxslt/libxslt.syms file with its map file where both symbols were stated. Since they cannot be global due to the static keywords, the compilation simply failed with the error. So, please consider it as closed.


On 2/15/19 4:32 PM, Nick Wellnhofer wrote:
On 14/02/2019 14:43, Libor Bukata via xslt wrote:
during the compilation of libxstl-1.1.33 I encountered the following linkage error on Solaris.

   CCLD     xsltproc
ld: warning: file /builds/lbukata/29251802.libxslt.ST/components/libxslt/build/i86/libxslt/.libs/ linked to ../libxslt/.libs/ attempted multiple inclusion of file
Undefined                       first referenced
  symbol                             in file
xsltCopyTree                        ../libxslt/.libs/
xsltDefaultTrace                    ../libxslt/.libs/
ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors

It seems that xsltCopyTree and xsltDefaultTrace symbols defined in transform.c are required to build xsltproc binary.

Both symbols are static and only used in transform.c. I suspect there's something else going on.


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