In reply to Paul's comment:

"I'll never understand why we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory."

I'd like to throw in my 2c worth.  I'm a bit frank about my opinions and I
suspect that I might offend a few people and demonstrate my ignorance of XUL
at large at the same time.  After reading Paul's post, I guess I got a bit
riled up, because it's perfectly clear to me why the XUL community has

First, the idea that there is anything to claim victory over regarding the
"pure" XUL concept is a fallacy.  Let's look at XUL from the perspective of
the typical programmer.  Where is the form designer to compete with Visual
Studio?  Where is support for MFC?  Where is the support for COM?  Where is
the support for plug-in's?  And that's just the questions from the
perspective of a Window's developer.  I'm sure the Mac developer has very
similar questions.  As a developer myself, I wouldn't have wanted to touch
XUL with a 10 foot pole, lacking these essential requirements.

Second, where is the security?  At least Microsoft is addressing the issue
of security with the concept of a binary markup.  Many of my users have
brought up concerns about the security of markup, when the customer can
easily change the markup.  Not a good situation.  Sure, for the open-source
egghead community, that's what it's all about.  For professionals trying to
earn a living, privacy and security is a key issue.

Third, what about performance?  Runtime parsing is a lot slower than compile
time GUI generation.

Fourth, what about licensing?  A lot of these XUL parsers are GPL licensed
(including my own).  Very few people want to touch a GPL project.  MySQL got
it right when they offered a license for closed source commercial
application distribution.  How many of the other XUL creators provide that

Fifth, where are the XUL parsers that work with C++?  Of the list that I've
seen Gerald post, I haven't seen one!  Am I missing something here?  Is the
XUL community like an ostrich sticking its head in the sand on the Java
beach, ignoring every other important language out there?

Sixth, until .NET came along with reflection, writing an XUL parser was a
PITA.  Any custom COM object, plug in, component, heck, even any custom
classes you wrote in your application would need some form of customization
in the parser to extend it.  The whole concept of declarative markup to
instantiate classes, set properties, and instantiate collections was
basically an exercise in futility (or an interesting lab experiment) before
.NET and reflection came along.

Seven, the concept of XUL is beautiful.  But how much education as the XUL
community done to teach programmers about the flexibility of decoupling
presentation layer from event process, similar to the MVC pattern?  Try
googling on "MVC" or "Model-View-Controller".  It's a desert waste land out
there, and the few references (except for the Sun Java site), get it wrong!
The underlying concepts of XUL is closely tied with the MVC pattern, agile
programming, and aspect oriented programming.  If people don't understand
those concepts, they'll never buy into XUL.

I could probably go on.  I'll stop now.  I'd be very interested to read the
feedback, because if anything, it's clear to me that XUL could never have
achieved victory, whether Microsoft was around or not.  It took .NET's
reflection to make it truly useable.  If you don't agree with that argument,
then I can only fall back on the fact that the XUL community itself shot
itself in the foot for the last 10 years.

As the author of MyXaml, I'm trying to show that Microsoft's XAML
implementation is, well, garbage.  One of the key tenets of the MyXaml
implementation is that the tags are generic and based on the underlying DOM
of the classes that it instantiates.  In my opinion, the concept of markup
in conjunction with .NET's reflection is an incredibly powerful plug-in
manager, component mediator, and general purpose instantiator.  That's where
I wish the XUL community had been moving for the last 10 years.

OK, I'll really shut up now.


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