| -----Original Message-----
 | [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Behalf Of Olivier Moïses
 | Sent: woensdag 1 mei 2002 17:58
 | Subject: (Another) Questions about XUpdate semantic
 | I tried to use XUpdate  DTD to validate some questions I 
 | asked myself but, I
 | can't. I am currently looking about some modification of 
 | this DTD which
 | could make it working.
 | Does anybody have the same problem or am I too :( to use this DTD.
 | I must confess that I rarely use DTD, I prefer XML schema instead.

Hi Olivier, 

I must confess I never use the XUpdate DTD. Can you post the changes to
this mailinglist if you get it to work? That way other people can also
beneft from your work.

 | I have some questions about xupdate semantic :
 | In a xupdate command like 'insert-before' can I put many 
 | xupdate:element at
 | the same level instead only one ? (I guess yes)

Yes, you can. Multiple xupdate:element's can be inserted in a
xupdate:insert-before operation. The inserted element appear in the same
order as in the xupdate:insert-before element.

 | Can I embed xupdate:element in xupdate:element to 
 | recursively create from
 | scratch a tree fragment ?

Yes, you can. Nesting xupdate:element's creates nested elements in the

 | In the working draft there is the following sample :
 |  <xupdate:variable name="town" select="/addresses/address[0]/town"/>
 |  <xupdate:append select="/addresses">
 |    <xupdate:element name="address">
 |      <xupdate:value-of select="$town"/>
 |    </xupdate:element>
 |  </xupdate:append>
 | In this case the variable named 'town' represents a single 
 | node. Is it
 | correct to use variables representing more than on node 
 | (nodeset, text ...)

Yes, it it is correct. If a variable selects a nodeset (like in
"/addresses/address/town") all selected nodes will inserted in a
inserted in a insert operation, append in a append operation etc.


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