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Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 10:46:57 +0000
Subject: re: XUpdate and XSL

Lars, I am still having difficulty posting to the XUpdate developer list, can
you post this please:

Given the recent notes about Xupdate and XSL, I thought you might be interested
in this exchange between myself and Michael Kay (of Saxon fame). In Mike's
response he says that it is unlikely that an XSL engine could directly propogate
deltas of a source tree onto deltas of the result tree.

Original note:

You will recall I wrote to you a few weeks back about in situ update of xml DOM
trees using XUpdate.

Well our experiments have progressed a lot further, and also I have read your
XSLT book.

I feel I am in a better educated position to express our requirements.

In your book, on page 38 in the section justifying XSLT's functional programming
style you almost exactly express our requirements:

"Equally, if a small change were made to the XML document, it would be nice to
be able to determine the change needed to the screen display, without
recalculating the whole thing from scratch"

To be more precise what we want is for a transformation engine to incrementally
apply updates to a result DOM tree as the source tree is changed. In addition we
want these updates to be made available independently of actually applying them
to the result tree, so that they can be applied remotely to duplicates of the
result tree.

Why do we want this. Well there are at least four reasons:

Server push technology in a browser environment

In all these distributed situations, a remote system has a "duplicate" of some
source material which needs to be kept in step with changes to the source. In
our distributed application framework, we have proprietory techniques to deliver
and apply just the changes to the duplicate. Sometimes the duplicate is not
quite the original material, but some "derived" data.

As we move towards integration with other applications, and more use of thin
clients, we would like to move to more open standards, but retain the concepts
that we have developed. In particular, XSLT looks ideal as the tool to describe
our derivations, and XUpdate (http://www.xmldb.org/xupdate), or something like,
it looks ideal for describing the incremental changes to both the source and
result trees. The integration of these two technologies would meet our
requirements beautifully.

 I do not believe that our requirments are especially unique?

Regards Gordon Jones

Mike's response:

> "Equally, if a small change were made to the XML document, it
> would be nice to
> be able to determine the change needed to the screen display, without
> recalculating the whole thing from scratch"

I have to confess this is a statement of a goal, and I really don't know
whether it is realistically achievable. Some XSLT development tools such as
Stylus have put some mechanisms in that link elements in the result tree
back to the rules in the stylesheet that caused them to be output, but I
think they've done this in a fairly trivial way. Linking it back to the
elements in the source tree that provided the input to that rule is much
harder, at least in the general case, where you need to take into account
parameter passing and so on.
> To be more precise what we want is for a transformation
> engine to incrementally
> apply updates to a result DOM tree as the source tree is
> changed. In addition we
> want these updates to be made available independently of
> actually applying them
> to the result tree, so that they can be applied remotely to
> duplicates of the result tree.
One thing to start with might be a "diff" between two trees that outputs an
XUpdate script which will modify the first tree to be a copy of the second.

Another might be a DOM wrapper layer which intercepts all updates to a DOM
and keeps a record of them or fires of trigger events, to construct an
XUpdate script to reproduce the changes elsewhere.

It's less clear to me where XSLT fits in. You could do some kind of
restricted XSLT in which it's clearer which rules need to be triggered when
the source document changes, but there's still a need to keep linkage to the
relevant part of the result tree. I'm not sure how far you can go without
maintaining some complicated three-way linkage between nodes in the source
tree, nodes in the result, and rules in the stylesheet, which could get
awfully complex (and be harder to analyse than re-evaluating the whole thing
from scratch.) For example, if the result document contains a total, then it
has to be updated if any of the source values changes.

Or you could do something that's "XSLT-like" but is actually a trigger
language: "when this node changes, do this".


Regards Gordon Jones
Lars Martin                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com

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