These changes apply to the way the X software is packaged for
the OpenSolaris OS (aka Project Indiana) - time ran out to do
the refactoring along the upstream module boundaries as I had
proposed for this release - we'll have to work on that for the
fall release when the rest of the OS refactors as well.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [pkg-discuss] Request for Code Review & Putback: X packaging changes
for distro import
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 22:11:16 -0700
From: Alan Coopersmith <>
To: pkg-discuss at is a webrev
containing changes to distro-import for the X packaging changes
for nv_86, including fixes for these defect.os.o reports:

978 Switch from FSW* to SUNW* packages for X
233 /usr/openwin has outlived its usefulness

978 also fixes 512: 64-bit links for are missing in DP2

I believe the fix for 233 should also indirectly solve (by making a
/usr/openwin -> X11 link) these related defects:
  493 Xinitrc.jds calls non-existant xrdb in /usr/openwin/bin
  515 ssh -X fails

It also sets some IPS package versions for SUNW* packages from X
that match a single upstream package (freetype, fontconfig, mesa, &

For simplified review, the webrev shows new files as diffs against
the existing files they were copied from - while this looks like a
move, it is not intended to represent one (I edited the index.html
to clarify this, but the diffs may show it still).

David Comay has reviewed a prior webrev and this includes his
recommended changes.

These changes passed a "make redist_import" and subsequent pkg
install/verify to an alternate root, but have not yet been tested
by running an X desktop on a LiveCD or installed system.   (Sorry,
ran out of time.)

Since I am hours away from leaving on vacation, and since I don't
have write access to the pkg repo, I've also posted the changes as
a hg export that someone can import to their repository and push:

My workspace is also available on SWAN at
/net/alf.sfbay/export/alanc/pkg/gate should anyone wish to see
it directly or pull from it.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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