On 2021-02-06 Brett Okken wrote:
> Since it is quite easy to read an int from a byte[] in jdk 9, the
> CRC64 implementation can be optimized to operate on an int rather than
> byte by byte as part of a multi-release jar. This shows to be 5-7%
> faster in a microbenchmark of just the crc64 calculation. In jdk 11 it
> speeds up the decompression of the repeating single byte by ~1%.

To avoid byte swapping in the main loop on big endian systems, the
lookup table would need to be big endian and operations need to be
bitwise-mirrored too just like in liblzma. I'm not convinced yet that
it's worth the extra effort and complexity for such a small speed gain.

Lasse Collin  |  IRC: Larhzu @ IRCnet & Freenode

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