Cocoalicious 1.0b35 is now available for download:

Changes include:

- Star Ratings: Cocoalicious now recognizes tags that consist entirely of repeated asterix characters as star ratings, and displays the ratings in the post table as graphic stars, à la iTunes.  The ratings can also be manipulated directly by dragging in the rating column (again, just like iTunes).

- Sortable Table Columns: This has to be the all-time winner for most inexcusable unimplemented feature in Cocoalicious.  Fortunately, it's finally in.

-"Type-to-Select" in Tag Table: Typing while the tag table has focus will now cause the first match for the letters typed to be automatically selected (à la Address Book).

- Delay of API HTTP requests: The API docs stipulate that clients should never submit more than one request to the API per second, and since the star rating feature makes that scenario a lot more likely, my API access code will now check to see if a second has elapsed since the last API request, and delay the request if it hasn't.

- Assorted bug fixes: Including one for a crasher that could happen on reload.

A more detailed explanation of these changes can be found here:


Buzz Andersen
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