This is a strong argument for a client-side tagging component (e.g. a
Firefox extension). There are other advantages to this as well, such as the
fact that you can actually see the page you are tagging. You can do a lot of
neat stuff when you have the entire DOM for the page parsed and in memory.

I've been meaning to add support for a pages META keyword tags to
Scrumptious. Maybe I'll fiddle with a bit of automatic tag extraction as
well. If anyone knows existing research and/or open-source code relating to
this, please let me know.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Sam Joseph
> Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 2:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [delicious-discuss] Recommended tags based on a site's URL
> In the NeuroGrid system I used to extract all the words from a page,
> remove stopwords and then present the most frequently occuring terms to
> the user  as tag possibilities.  More sophisticated approaches might use
> TFIDF or something like that.
> The main problem with this, and indeed any other approach that involves
> parsing the page in question, is the time it takes to get the page and
> parse it.  The parsing usually won't take so long, but there will be a
> few seconds delay to grab the page, and this can be a little frustrating
> to users who are expecting a quick turnaround such as they currently get
> with del
> Clifford Caoile wrote:
> >But, how would you propose getting the recommendations in the first
> >place? What algorithms can succinctly summarize a home page?
> >
> >
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