Alan Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A big use of private bookmarks for me is going to be work intranet bookmarks.
> I think our legal dept. would go ape if internal product names or various
> intranet sites were on a public feed.

I'm really starting to wonder about the private bookmarks idea. I'm still
open-minded about it, but there are definitely concerns.

Of course Joshua and crew can look out for their own interests themselves, but
it seems like they would essentially be providing infrastructure services to
various businesses pro bono.

On the other hand, I can't imagine that storing proprietary information on a
remote server is at all within the bounds of common employment regulations.

Will providing private bookmarks expose to liability if people use
it to bookmark their company's latest beta test results? If
implements "private" bookmarks, won't some slew of legal disclaimers be
necessary, for possible cases like system failures where private information
leaks out?  Will this give people an incentive to try and compromise the
system, if they figure out that someone works for Google and is bookmarking
with, and they really want to see those private links?

Just questions --- The decision won't really affect me, other than that I like and want it to continue thriving.

-John Sullivan

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