Joshua, I think this is cool and also very important.

As an answer to people who say "tags are too fuzzy to be useful", this
recommendation system helps me find other tags which are used
similarly to my own.  So the system recommends several "humor" and
one "humour" user/tag combinations to supplement my "funny" tag.
This goes a long way to compensate for differences in individual 
tagging styles.

Thanks for your attention,

On 8/12/05, joshua schachter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just released the recommendation engine.
> Any of your tags with 10 or more items will offer recommendations;
> clicking it will show you five related tags where you are likely to find
> new stuff, and five urls it thinks you might categorize under that tag.
> Please let me know what you think.

Brian Del Vecchio   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
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