I must say I agree with Joshua's approach entirely. In particular, he says "I hold it as some sort of sin to mangle the user's submitted data." Exactly. It would be a sin. As the examples given show, URLs with and without www may be identical, or completely different, or one of them may lead nowhere. So I don't see how this kind of consolidation is possible. On the other hand, the same user might bookmark a URL without the www and later with, or vice versa. In these cases, the two might be "consolidated". However, this is not necessarily the case. The user may intend to bookmark two different URLs, but if consolidated, instead of bookmarking two he might end up only bookmarking one of them. Of course, some people seem to be talking about a different kind of consolidation, which confuses the issue.

On 8/28/05, Luke Arno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am definitely -1 on this happening totally automatically. I guess it would be useful to suggest consolidations to users and maybe even go automatic for a given URI set if there are enough takers. You could do the same for tags for that matter.

So if someone (or enough people) consolidates some-tag and someTag, you could suggest the consolidation to other users. Then if you get enough takers maybe then consolidate for everyone. Maybe there should be voting at the end somehow. I would want consolidated terms to become synonyms and to be notified somehow. (Have synonyms ever been discussed?) So if some-tag and someTag consolidate to someTag, I would still want http://del.icio.us/lda/some-tag to get me my someTag bookmarks.

Lotta maybes. I am just letting my imagination run wild here. Take it all as such. Also forgive me if any of this has already been discussed.

- Luke

On 8/26/05, Amir Michail < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/27/05, joshua schachter < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I hold it as some sort of sin to mangle the user's submitted data. So
> we will not irrecoverably change your url if at all possible (modulo
> the dangerous# thing.)
> I think what people are actually talking about are a) if you
> bookmarked www.xyz.com/index.html and  if you try to submit xyz.com/
> some other time, it should somehow catch that and b) correctly
> showing the "and n other people" stuff. I believe the second can be
> accomplished easily enough, but a) is quite dangerous.
> In general the transformations are:
> 1) remove leading www. from host
> 2) remove trailing #fragment
> 3) remove trailing index.(html|shtml|php)

Sometimes a url with and without the leading www. gives you different
things.  I don't know how frequent this is though.


> I plan to add something like this, but it will not go in until it is
> properly thought through.
> Joshua
> On Aug 26, 2005, at 6:42 PM, Andrew Ducker wrote:
> > Brian Lalor wrote:
> >
> >
> >> On Aug 26, 2005, at 12:01 PM, Stephen Paul Weber wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> I would like to point out that changing it to 'www' instead of
> >>> removing the 'www' would be the more logical choice... however
> >>> this  has been discussed before and it was decided that since, in
> >>> theory,  with and without the 'www' do not necessarily point to
> >>> the same  thing (i.e., there is nothing at teamchad.org, you must
> >>> use   www.teamchad.org) it would not make sense to add it to the
> >>> system
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> Perhaps it would make sense to do this only for URLs with path
> >> components and not just hostnames?
> >>
> >> ie. http://bravo5.org/foo/bar/baz and http://www.bravo5.org/foo/
> >> bar/baz
> >>
> >
> >
> > Except that, for instance, http://andrew.notzen.com/wiki/ is the
> > same as http://www.notzen.com/andrew/wiki/ - how would you conflate
> > those?
> >
> > I think that _any_ kind of consolidation is going to hit cases
> > where it does the wrong thing, and therefore it shouldn't be done
> > at all in an automatic function.
> >
> > On the other hand, if there was a way of matching two URLs together
> > manually, that might be nice.
> >
> > Andy D
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> joshua schachter
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