
If one is not concerned about making money though paid advertising,
would it make sense to have free advertising as a way to discourage
spam in the core content?

For example, in del.icio.us, when posting a bookmark, you could
designate it as advertising.

This means it would appear in a designated advertising section
alongside normal content.

To encourage people to do this, you could have it so that obvious
advertising that is not designated as such could be marked as spam by
del.icio.us users and hidden entirely from all users.

And so, spammers would be encouraged to do the right thing.

Of course, there will be competition for the advertising section.  One
could have it so that ads would be displayed more prominently if the
people who submitted them have been generally helpful by contributing
useful core content (e.g., in a CollaborativeRank sense).

In this way, prominently displayed ads are a reward for helpful
contributions to the core content.

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