On 10/7/05, Matthew Weymar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This seems to cast even more doubt on Flock. Why won't FF, e.g., be able to
> do whatever Flock does via extensions?... If you can take del and Flickr,
> etc. with you wherever you go, what's to keep you with Flock when it fails
> you in this way or that?... Its UI is going to have to be *awfully* good.

Flock was just demonstrated here at Web 2.0.  It is not stable yet but
the UI looked interesting.  Lots of drag-n-drop functionality.


Probably most if not all of the Flock functionality can be built by
extensions and plugins to Firefox, but most users will not take the
time to download and configure all of the separate pieces.  We shall
see who Flock targets- they have a good energy and the buzz is fairly

Joshua's tag panel went well I hear.  I couldn't attend as I had a
separate meeting.

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