On 11/29/05, joshua schachter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Tom Tobin wrote:
>> Can this be disabled on a per-user basis? I really, *really* don't
>> like click tracking.
>  Presumably. We haven't thought about it too much. "What bookmarks did I
> click on recently" is a frequent feature request, though.

My biggest problem with the common implementations of click tracking
is that they make a common use pattern of mine worthless.

Google's click-tracking works by having every search result link to a
horrible url like:
and bollocksing the statusbar text to look the the actual url
(http://www.random.org in this case).  In practice, I find that this
leads to me doing a search to find a url to paste into an email/blog
post, right-clicking to copy the url, and finding that I have this
horrible redirect url instead.  It's a pain.

But an implementation that, say, used javascript to rewrite every
tracked link such that it was still a real link, but its onclick
actually submitted a form that ran the redirect... that would be nice.
 It'd have more missed clicks than the simpler approach (people
without JavaScript, and I don't know what opening in a new tab/window
would do to that), but since it's not critical functionality...

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