
I think it might be useful to allow users to reorder their bookmarks,
just as they can do in their browser.

However, to take things further, why not allow users to reorder their
bookmarks based on queries?

For example, although clicking on the tag "search" shows me my
bookmarks tagged with search, it would be good if I could also reorder
those bookmarks with respect to that tag.

In this way, users can get their own "perfect" rankings for queries.

Moreover, if the system keeps track of these reorderings, it can
construct a partial order of urls for each query.  (Note that if you
do not explicitly reorder any bookmarks, then there are no reorderings
for the system to consider.)

These partial orders can then be combined to produce better rankings
for a global search.  Although such rankings will no longer be perfect
for users, they might be quite good anyway.

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