Back in October Joshua was talking about some exciting social features
in development, which would make this sort of collaboration very easy.
That was right before the acquisition, and I haven't heard much about them

Joshua, would you care to comment on the current schedule for those features?

We'll gladly interpret no response as "I'm chilling on my new yacht in
the Carribean, suckas!"  8^)

notes from October:

On 2/13/06, Chris Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Once again, I'm trying to devise a middle ground between account
> sharing (ugly for authentication, etc) and the data loss that comes
> from RSS feeds only retaining some recent items which makes the ideal
> model of just sharing tags a little less useful (so when I want to
> repurpose myuniquetag+widgets every six months I only see the most
> recent selection, but need all of them).
> What about having feeds available in the API for a ALL items with tag
> X (and tag intersections) in while the public RSS feeds
> remain just a limited, recent selection? Then you could quash abusers
> but still make collaboration a bit easier for organizations...
Brian Del Vecchio   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
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