
I'm working on an idea of a greasemonkey script which will be able to extract 
from del.icio.us sites simillar to one that user is currently visiting. It will 
work like that: we visit the site and the script pops up the window with some 
links to sites which according to del.icio.us are simillar to the one which is 

And my question is whether should i continue to develope the script or not?

I ask this question because my script queries the del.icio.us every time a user 
visits any site. Will it be correct? I'm afraid that it can possibly result in 
heavy loads for del.icio.us site and at the end my script will be banned by 
del.icio.us like, for example, this one: 

But that script (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/3180) doing almost the 
same isn't banned, because it uses cache.

So may be i should implement something like this? Caching of previous queries 
to del.icio.us on a local machine of a user? Or it won't help either?

Then may be the script should work not by default but on demand? Instead of a 
panel with similar links we get the panel with a button and only after the user 
hits this button the script queries the del.icio.us? May be it will help?

So can anybody offer some thoughts on this topic?

I've already have a working version of the script but i don't want to make it 
available publicly so there wont be any problems. If someone wants to have it 
to test and to see into the code - i can send it but i don't want to spread it 
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