Hi Joshua,

IMO this shift towards tag subscriptions is the product of the UI. Currently there is no other way to subscribe to anything, than going to your inbox and filling out TWO input fields. I think this is the main cause for the inballance. Let me explain.

I'm only subscribing to tags of specific users, because I want to get very little, but very good tags. The scenario is usually the following:

* link on the front page (yes, I check it quite frequently ... about 10 - 20 times a day)
* check out what it refers to
* if it's good bookmark it too
* go back to the front page and examine that user's tags and explore the ones, that match my interests
* so I have to go to 'inbox' -> edit inbox -> ouch I forgot to remember the user's name -> back button 2x -> copy username to clipboard, remember the tag name -> 'inbox' -> edit inbox -> paste username and type tag

So IMO the problem why people don't really subscribe user/tag intersections is the UI - there is NO 'subscribe this' link on the /user/tagname page.

and yes, this is a feature request :)

keep up the good work

Petr Stedry

2006/3/27, Joshua Schachter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Yeah, the Inbox server is really, really far behind. I put some tweaks in last night and am waiting to see if it is running faster or not.

The large problem is that there's a bunch of people who have subscribed to very popular tags (such as "web") and get tens of thousands of items in their inbox every day, which they never really get to. In the future I'm going to split up personal subscriptions and tag subscriptions and handle them hopefully. It's pretty odd, there's a very bistable distribution of use - some people subscribe to tags, some subscribe to people, but very few people do a mix.


rkodzik wrote:
i've been experiencing severe inbox delays as of late (3-5 days sometimes before a link appears). is this a known bug or currently being worked on? just wondering. i really dig the inbox feature, but the many days of delay is a bit annoying. thanks.


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