Larson, Timothy E. wrote:
> W.B. McNamara wrote:
>>> It does if you click on the + sign itself rather than the term. I do
>>> this all the time myself. 
>> That's a good usability point.  Half the time I do this, too,
>> basically seeing the "+ foo" as a single unit rather than a "+" and a
>> "foo", no matter how many times I make the mistake.
> I do think it needs a larger target than just the "+".  Since these
> are the related tags, and the full tag list is just below, my thought
> would also be that these links would lead to currentTag+relatedTag.  I
> understand that some people would want to see _only_ the related tag,
> though.    

Or alternatively, mark the related tags in the "tags" listing with a
class (in the HTML), like the "cur"rent tag is now.  Apply a style so
they stand out.  (Suggestion: prefix with the "~" character to denote
similarity/relatedness.)  Then everything in the "related tags" listing
can be links to currentTag+relatedTag - so you retain the current
functionality, reduce redundancy, and eliminate the problem of the small
target.  I think it would be readily apparent that the specially marked
"tags" are same as the "related tags".


Tim Larson
West Corporation, Interactive TeleServices
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