On 4/11/06 10:15 AM, "mousewrites" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a similar but not identical problem:
> I can no longer rename tags. If I rename a tag (from a 3 letter abbreviation
> to a full word, no spaces) it confirms the renameing, but doesn't rename the
> tag.
> In fact, all it seems to do is drop the tag out of its bundle and stick it
> in 'unbundled tags'.
> Is this related to the bug above?

Yes, the tag delete and rename feature is currently broken :( but the good
news is that we have a fixed already built and are testing it for release as
we speak. Apologies for the inconvience, when this is released it will fix
both the rename/delete problem and any related character case issues.

After this fix there we have some time consuming database jobs to run before
your previously renamed tags are corrected - we will also get that done


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